Safety is when nothing happens...
Facts about Safety
NEMS has developed safety policies and procedures that are compliant with OSHA directives.
NEMS’ orientation program hosts a segment specifically related to “safety & risk management” issues.
NEMS corporate conducts training programs, to include safety mandates, to all of our management team members. Additionally, the Safety & Risk Manager makes routine visits to determine safety compliance and address concerns.
NEMS Director of Safety & Risk Management has specialized training in such. The local Operations Manager works closely with the Director to manage day-to-day safety concerns.
As part of the hiring process, new hires undergo a drug screening process. Additionally, NEMS administers a “physical agility” evaluation to determine strength and ability to lift and move patients. Also, to be certified as an EMT or Paramedic, the state requires that one be able to meet the essential job functions for that position. These essential job functions are spelled out in the application process to obtain an EMT and/or Paramedic license.
NEMS will only allow individuals with a current EVOC certificate to operate an ambulance. NEMS provides annual driver training and refresher classes that meet the State of Alabama OEMS&T guidelines.
NEMS has in place a Safety Committee chaired by of Director of Safety & Risk Management.